{{ Keyboard Test }} ' Receives Keystrokes and sends it as Hex numbers to the Terminal (or TV,VGA). ' You can test the Key-codes of each Key on the Keyboard. CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 OBJ kb : "PC_Keyboard" 'You can also use Keyboard object for PS2-Keyboard TV : "PC_Text" 'You can also use TV_Text or VGA_Text objects VAR PUB Main | k 'start the terminal TV.start(12) TV.str(string("PC_Keyboard Demo...",13)) 'start the keyboard kb.start(26, 27) 'echo keystrokes in hex repeat k := kb.getkey if k&255 > $CF TV.out(12) 'Change Color if F-Key TV.out(k&7) TV.hex(k,3) TV.out(" ")